Dog Behaviour Clinic
Code of Conduct
We will ensure that the client and their dog's welfare is paramount at all times.
We do prefer that our clients are referred by their veterinary surgeon. However, occasionally clients may be accepted without a referral. It should be pointed out at this stage that there are a number of behavioural problems that stem from a medical condition and it is extremely important that these are ruled out, prior to starting a behavioural modification care plan.
We totally oppose the use of punitive techniques and equipment such as, check, choke, prong, spike collars, electronic collars etc
We have both public liability and professional indemnity insurance cover.
We only use positive reinforcement methods that are fair, kind and effective and reject so-called "dominance reduction training and behaviour modification methods.
We will not mislead or give clients unrealistic expectations of the outcome
We will continue to develop additional skills and knowledge by keeping ourselves informed of advances in the field of canine behaviour, by evaluating developing theories and training methods and promoting them in a manner that will best serve our clients. We will continue to further our education as part of our professional continuing development through education courses, reading and training.
We will respect confidentiality at all times. Any information collected will be done so under the new GDPR.
We will only use letters, qualifications and statements that we are entitled to.
We will determine and recognise our own professional limits and abilities, be open and honest with clients and where necessary refer clients to another practitioner.