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Consent to use of cookies from our website

English law requires all websites to request permission when using cookie technology.  If your browser is set to accept cookies and other similar technologies and if you continue to use our website then we will understand this to mean that you consent to the use of cookies or other similar technologies.  However, if you wish to remove or stop the use of cookies from our site then you should either stop using the site or adjust the settings of your browser as explained above, to reject or disable cookies.

Privacy Policy

This cookies policy should also be read alongside our Privacy Policy which you can access by clicking here.

Information automatically collected about you
This includes information that is automatically stored by cookies and other session tools (including your IP address). This information is used to improve your customer experience. When you use our services or look at the contents of our website, your activities may be logged.

We use your Personal Data on legitimate grounds and/or with your Consent.

Cookies and other technologies we use

We use cookies and/or similar technologies to analyse customer behaviour, administer the website, track users' movements, and to collect information about users. This is done in order to personalise and enhance your dog training experience with us.

A cookie is a tiny text file stored on your computer. Cookies store information that is used to help make sites work. Only we can access the cookies created by our website. You can control your cookies at the browser level. Choosing to disable cookies may hinder your use of certain functions.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Necessary cookies – these cookies are required for you to be able to use some important features on our website, such as logging in. These cookies don't collect any personal information.

  • Functionality cookies – these cookies provide functionality that makes using our service more convenient and makes providing more personalised features possible. For example, they might remember your name and e-mail in comment forms so you don't have to re-enter this information next time when commenting.

  • Analytics cookies - these cookies are used to track the use and performance of our website and services

Note that where we provide links to other websites, such as the links we provide to our social media pages, those third-party websites may also use cookies and you should familiarise yourself with the cookies information that they provide on their own websites.  Dog Behaviour Clinic is not responsible for any cookies used on third party websites to which we may provide links.

You can remove cookies stored on your computer via your browser settings. Alternatively, you can control some 3rd party cookies by using a privacy enhancement platform.

We use Google Analytics to measure traffic on our website. Google has their own Privacy Policy which you can review here. If you'd like to opt out of tracking by Google Analytics, visit the Google Analytics opt-out page.

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